David Holland
2014-03-23 02:40:40 UTC
Complains with 6.1.3 along the lines of (please excuse me re-typing
segment? 0 start 00000000 size 01800000
pmap_steal_memory: seg 0: 0x56d 0x56d 0x800 0x800
pid 0(system): trap: cpu0, address error (load or I-fetch) in kernel mode
status=0x80010, cause=0x30000010, epc=0x8000001c, vaddr=0xdeadbeef
tf=0x8056cce8 ksp=0x8056cd88 ra=0x800b0120 ppl=0
panic: trap
Have you tried -current? If the problem has been around since 1.6.2[...]
segment? 0 start 00000000 size 01800000
pmap_steal_memory: seg 0: 0x56d 0x56d 0x800 0x800
pid 0(system): trap: cpu0, address error (load or I-fetch) in kernel mode
status=0x80010, cause=0x30000010, epc=0x8000001c, vaddr=0xdeadbeef
tf=0x8056cce8 ksp=0x8056cd88 ra=0x800b0120 ppl=0
panic: trap
this probably won't help though.
Getting deadbeef at 0x80000001c is very suspicious since that's in the
low-level TLB refill handler. However, it may be nothing other than a
null dereference early enough in boot that the pagetable isn't set up
My first suggestion would be to build a kernel with ddb in it and try
to get a stack trace. If that doesn't work, there's probably nothing
for it but loading up with printfs to try to figure out where it's
dying. :(
David A. Holland
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David A. Holland
Posted automagically by a mail2news gateway at muc.de e.V.
Please direct questions, flames, donations, etc. to news-***@muc.de